Custom ISO / Remote URL ISO Support
Currently, customers need to ask the providers to mount an ISO. It would be useful to allow the customers to mount an ISO from an URL. Not that hard to implement, and saves a bunch of hours.

AdminAnonymous (Admin, Plesk Intl GmbH) commented
This feature is implemented in SolusVM 2 and allows to:
- install the operating system from an ISO image,
- manage ISO images in User and Admin Area,
- set limits for the count and size of ISO images in a limit group,
- set permissions "manage all ISO images", "manage owned ISO images", "get ISO images", and "boot from ISO images" to a role. -
AdminAnonymous (Admin, Plesk Intl GmbH) commented
We have prioritized Custom ISO support to Q3 2023.
Vitalka commented
any news ?
AdminVitaliy (Admin, Plesk Intl GmbH) commented
This feature will be implemented in SolusVM 2.0
The details are here
Anonymous commented
Any news on this ? This is mandatory, Virtualizor is doing it since many years !
Igor commented
What news?
Miguel Ângelo commented
Sounds terrific!
Thank you!
Adminasmith (Admin, Plesk Intl GmbH) commented
Hi Miguel,
You need a higher version of libvirt/qemu to support disk type='network' in the guest XML config than I believe el6 ships with.
This is a preferred method as it stays in line with existing standards.
I will put it through as something to test and update you on.
Miguel Ângelo commented
Can't edit my post, yeah, curl is for sure needed, but you could force it to be installed in the next SolusVM update. I don't think this would take you too long to develop, and this is a major function that'd remove a lot of tickets from our support desks.
Miguel Ângelo commented
Hi @asmith,
I believe there's certainly a way to do it. If you can load custom ISOs on el6, it should work to download a file temporarily and change the live config to load it. Could you please explain the qemu/libvirt issues you're referring loading an ISO?
Adminasmith (Admin, Plesk Intl GmbH) commented
Hi Miguel,
Thanks for the suggestion, however older versions of qemu/libvirt have issues with this or versions not compiled with curl so it may only be viable for el7+ but it is a good suggestion.