374 results found
IPv6 address as the main IP for VMs
IPv6 address as the main IP for VMs
4 votes -
raw or qcow2 disk images for KVM
Having done some experiments and seeing that NVMe is becoming the storage platform of the future I would like to request that you allow none LVM based storage for KVM.
RAW seems to perform some 30 - 40% better than logical volumes on raid NVMe, this may be due to some bottle neck or limitation with logical volume based block devices but the results are fairly consistent and from reboot to all guests booted RAW out performs LVM by closer to 60%
In simple terms this just means updating the config file the point at the raw or qcow2 image.
23 votes -
FSCK button
we have had quite a lot of cases in OpenVZ7 where VPS needs a manual FSCK
I recommend to implement a button in SolusVM that would do that
it is fairly easy to implement
ploop mount /vz/private/VEID/root.hdd/DiskDescriptor.xml
e2fsck /dev/ploop56550p1 -y
vzctl restart VEID1 vote -
Merge two SolusVM masters
There are two different SolusVM Masters managed through two different WHMCS. Need a feature or tool to merge two SolusVM masters so that we can manage everything from a single master.
3 votes -
Please allow us to use symbols for VPS root/admin password
Currently we cant use symbols for VPS root/admin password. please include symbols as well.
7 votes -
Better Support for KVM Windows OS Templates on Centos 7 Nodes/Slaves to fix current Bug
Currently we cant use KVM Windows templates on Centos 7 nodes due to some bug so it will only work on Centos 6, need better support for Windows Template
19 votes -
Cloud-init support
Cloud init is the standard when it comes to provisioning servers. Not only in large clouds such as AWS, others use it too in one way or another. It would be good if SolusVM would follow this standard.
18 votes -
Apply the Network Speed limit for the Outbound Speed Limit(Upload Network speed limit)
Since the current network speed limit feature limiting the Inbound speed limit(Download speed limit), It would be good if we improve this option for Outbound Speed Limit (Upload Speed limit)
11 votes -
Allow for per customer networks
We would like to be able to give customers their own virtual network. Instead of adding them onto a global internal network we prefer to have something like Open vSwitch or similar. This allows for overlapping internal address scopes for example. It would improve the security of internal systems, e.g. a database server.
17 votes -
Add a description to reserved IPs
We use SolusVM as our primary source for all our IP ranges. But we have physical machines too. To make sure these IP's are not used we reserve them in SolusVM.
It would be helpful if we can set a description for these IP addresses. Basically, we just need a description field for each IPv4 address and IPv6 subnet that we reserve.
I know you can set reverse DNS for IPv4 but you can't for IPv6 subnets. A single solution that covers all IP's is preferred, so that's why I suggest to add a description field.
5 votes -
Migration option from API
Migration VMs option from API
3 votes -
Allow client to upload ISO directly, similar to IPMI
Allow client to upload ISO directly, similar to IPMI
2 votes -
Add a support for virtio-rng devices for KVM quests
Add a support for virtio-rng devices for KVM quests
https://wiki.qemu.org/Features/VirtIORNG3 votes -
Add enable/disable toggle for Migration function.
It would be good to have Enable/Disable toggle for Migration feature.
7 votes -
Add ability to send bandwidth overusage notification
Add ability to send bandwidth overusage notification in case auto-suspend option is not enabled.
1 vote -
Create VM without any OS installed
Client wish to purchase VM however they would like to install their own OS
4 votes -
API improvment: vserver-change-cpu
It would be good if we have an option to change the cpuunits and cpulimits of a OpenVZ VM using the vserver-change-cpu API call.
9 votes -
Add the ability to apply SolusVM license via API
Add the ability to apply SolusVM license via API
1 vote -
Get client ID in API action "client-create" result.
When Creating Client with API result do not have client ID. It would be nice feature. Now You need list clients and find ID by user name :(
7 votes -
Optimize root password change process
Optimize root password change process.
Here is the use case:
Master node is connected to CloudFlare.
Changing root password for a VM may take more than 100s. When the timeout is exceeded browser ends up with error 524 timeout.Possible solution: make password changing process asynchronous to avoid error 524 timeout.
3 votes
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