128 results found
Change the icon for the Archlinux OS in Client Panel-Reinstall Action.
When we reinstall the OS from client panel, we could find the list of OS icons.
Archlinux OS is showing the Linux Icon instead it's own. Please change this.
2 votes -
Network Speed on Resources page != Network Speed on Base CT page
When CT has Network Speed limit > 100Mbit and we change resources of CT on page admincp/vmresources.php?id=ID, Network Speed changes to No Limit because in Network Speed values on this page has maximum value 100Mbit.
On base CT page admincp/manage.php?id=ID list of Network Speed has value up to 1000Mbit.Please, set Network Speed list on page vmresources.php?id=ID equal to Network Speed list on page manage.php?id=ID.
1 vote -
Optimize root password change process
Optimize root password change process.
Here is the use case:
Master node is connected to CloudFlare.
Changing root password for a VM may take more than 100s. When the timeout is exceeded browser ends up with error 524 timeout.Possible solution: make password changing process asynchronous to avoid error 524 timeout.
1 vote -
Optimize MySQL queries for SolusVM database to make UI work faster
Consider to optimize MySQL queries for SolusVM database.
The two examples below:
Index on vserverid field in bandwidthstatistics table can improve performance of the cron script for bandwidth reset scheduled task
If there are about 55 pages of IP Blocks, 64 IPs per block it cannot render the page with pagination 'All' due to timeout that caused by intensive mysql query.
6 votes -
Custom JS / themes files for admin backend
We have done a lot of customizations in the admin backend, e.g. we integrated a note field at the IP list so we know directly why a IP is marked as reserved.
Currently, it is hard to make customizations. All our customizations are done via javascript since all admin template files are encrypted.
We have placed the javascript code into the existing solusvm js files and these customizations get lost during update.So i would like to see a better way to integrate own code into the admin backend.
I have 2 ideas:
A javascript and CSS directory in which…
1 vote -
Provide changelog for user interface template
It would be useful if we could see the changes in the bootstrap client template before updating.
I think github would be a good place for that. There should also be notes in the release notes if there were changes in the template.
1 vote -
Bandwidth Usager report per client.
We have an option to display the bandwidth usage report per VM, It would be good if we have the same option per client.
Let's say the client own 5 VM's, it's better to see all his 5 VM's last month usage at one place.
3 votes -
Add a white label feature to SolusVM
Add an ability to access Master node UI using reseller's domain main to "white label" it.
As a subrequest, add an ability to secure reseller's domain name with different SSL certificate.3 votes
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