379 results found
Please implement weekly bandwidth report to be trigger for each individual node
Please implement weekly bandwidth report to be trigger for each individual node
1 vote -
SolusVM doesn't have to execute command vzctl exec for check memory
When i execute command ps aux on OpenVZ node, in output i often see to many processes 'vzctl exec $ctid cat /proc/meminfo'.
SolusVM executes command 'vzctl exec' three times for check memory status in one container.
SolusVM doesn't have to execute command vzctl exec.SolusVM can use file /proc/bc/$ctid/meminfo on node and can executes one command instead three.
2 votes -
Overrides for language files
It would be great if we could create override language files.
Then we would not have to save the language file before every update, check for changes and then restore the custom language adjustments.
3 votes -
Batch migrations
We have a very large number of VPS to migrate from CentOS 6 to CentOS 7 based servers before end-of-life and need more efficiency in the migration process for a large number of migrations. Doing them one by one is not efficient. We need to be able to easily migrate an entire server to another server. Having the feature to migrate one server all VPS to multiple destination servers or one server all VPS to one destination server would be helpful.
10 votes -
backup all filesystems for KVM
Currently, only the primary filesystem is backed up during the auto FTP backup process. All filesystems added to a Virtual Machine should be included in the backup, or an option should be added to include the secondary file systems.
10 votes -
Add Bulk IPv4 Addresses
Add option to assign bulk IPv4 addresses to a VM (OVZ or KVM) instead of having to manually add one at a time which is time consuming and antiquated method.
9 votes -
Link speed limit instead of suspend - Set on a per node basis
The function has already been implemented and works great however for many of us with multiple PoP's the option to set this on/off on a per node basis would be a significant improvement, in Europe and the USA Bandwidth use is rarely a concern however in Asia Pacific regions this could get incredibly costly.
Currently it is global for all slaves/nodes regardless of location and it would allow us to give a much better and fitting service to customers if we could chose which nodes this applies too.
9 votes -
Change the icon for the Archlinux OS in Client Panel-Reinstall Action.
When we reinstall the OS from client panel, we could find the list of OS icons.
Archlinux OS is showing the Linux Icon instead it's own. Please change this.
2 votes -
DNS entries of the VM should be removed when the VM deleted.
It would be better to delete all DNS records associated with a VM when the VM has been deleted
7 votes -
Reseller Customization
It would be useful to allow a list of plans to be selected when creating a reseller user. Currently you can only specify a resource pool which the user can create any size servers from, this can be an issue when allocating resource pool larger than a single piece of hardware. Having separate reseller plans (similar to the current admin plans page) and selecting the plans or plan group when creating a reseller user would be helpful. It would let a reseller create VPS using pre-set plans. This would allow better reseller functionality for some people so they can offer…
4 votes -
Startup script on first boot
Being able to execute a script on first boot will be a great addition.
8 votes -
Network Speed on Resources page != Network Speed on Base CT page
When CT has Network Speed limit > 100Mbit and we change resources of CT on page admincp/vmresources.php?id=ID, Network Speed changes to No Limit because in Network Speed values on this page has maximum value 100Mbit.
On base CT page admincp/manage.php?id=ID list of Network Speed has value up to 1000Mbit.Please, set Network Speed list on page vmresources.php?id=ID equal to Network Speed list on page manage.php?id=ID.
1 vote -
Allow us to enable quick backup for OpenVZ globally
Currently the only way to enable quick backup for containers is to run the script in the solusvm DOCS occasionally however this really should be enabled at the point of container creation.
Please consider updating SolusVM to incorporate that.
9 votes -
Ability to set resolvers for OpenVZ container for users
Ability to set custom resolvers for OpenVZ container inside user panel of SolusVM.
2 votes -
Bridge Creating Script
Basically a script to automate the bridge setup process for KVM hosts, the current bridge documentation is highly outdated and mostly caters to CentOS 6.
6 votes -
5 votes
Optimize root password change process
Optimize root password change process.
Here is the use case:
Master node is connected to CloudFlare.
Changing root password for a VM may take more than 100s. When the timeout is exceeded browser ends up with error 524 timeout.Possible solution: make password changing process asynchronous to avoid error 524 timeout.
1 vote -
Limit load for all VM in slave page configuration
Add a configuration to the slaves configuration page that allows you to suspend VMs that exceed a certain level of load and leave the choice for the admin to choose the action (suspend or reboot or shut down the VM.
5 votes -
Allow end users to enable FUSE/NFS/QUOTA/GRE for OpenVZ
Please consider adding the ability for end users to enable certain modules themselves e.g. FUSE/GRE/NFS/QUOTA this is already available for ppp and TUN/TAP and would save a great deal of manual admin work as well as give a more fluid end user experience.
6 votes -
Optimize MySQL queries for SolusVM database to make UI work faster
Consider to optimize MySQL queries for SolusVM database.
The two examples below:
Index on vserverid field in bandwidthstatistics table can improve performance of the cron script for bandwidth reset scheduled task
If there are about 55 pages of IP Blocks, 64 IPs per block it cannot render the page with pagination 'All' due to timeout that caused by intensive mysql query.
6 votes
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